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You will get to know this country for real only if you don’t get drown somewhere in Aegean or if you manage somehow to cross the fence in Evros. From the detention centers in Amygdaleza; Korinthos; Paranesti to Patision; Amerikis sq.; Acharnon, the daily life for all those who have the wrong color or the wrong papers is suffocating. Or to put it better; unbearable.

In the center of the city you feel like you cant do anything. Without papers it s impossible for you to work. But even when you do find a job that would be “black”; without insurance. And the boss would do whatever s/he wants and you would be forced to go through that otherwise s/he would call the cops. Without papers you can’t move as you please, visit your family and your friends. Without papers, when you get sick, you are not sure whether the hospital will take you in. Without papers, when you are a bit late to pay the rent, your landlord is ready to throw you out and you ll either pay immediately or go away because there’s nothing else to do. Without papers, you cant even go out on the streets; most of the times you ‘re locking yourself at home when the sun goes down. And when you finally find the courage and get out, you are walking waveringly and full of fear. Every day that you go out it is like an adventure; you go out and you are not sure whether you will come back because there is one place that you might end up, and this is…

…the detention centers and the police departments. Detention centres are one of the ways the greek state and police have come up with to torture migrants. Lots of them go crazy even by thinking that they are in there without knowing when their captivity will end. In there, nothing is provided, the only thing you can do is to sleep. The summer heat is unbearable. The food is bad and too little. They do not give us medicine, clothes and, even when someone is sick, the ones deciding whether they must see a doctor or not are cops themselves, and they are always postponing it or do not care at all. The migrants cannot contact their families, since they do not have any phones, while visiting hours last only a little or are not being held at all, depending on the cops. Moving people around is a regular form of punishment, making it even harder for us to get in touch with our own people. They treat us like objects, like we are not humans. We demand the immediate change of such conditions. And when 18 months or more have gone by they let us go -if they haven’t meanwhile deported us yet- by giving us one paper stating we should abandon the country within the next month. And all those just because we are immigrants.

But it s not just that. It s all these that used to happen and are still going on everyday even if you are not in a detention center; even if you do have papers. It’s the 2 hours or even the whole night, that you are forced to stay at allodapon when the cop that checked your papers wants to be sure that the papers belong to you. It’s the familiar fascists-policemen who are still working for the police without being controlled by anyone. It’s the laws that allow cops to capture you whether you have or not papers because they consider you as a “danger for public provision and security”. It’s the situation that exists at the metro and the buses, when most of the people won’t sit next to you; when they exchange gazes that clearly say “check out the black; the pakistani; the..; the..” ; when they look at you and you know that they would prefer you to get off. It’s the cops behaviour during the street controls. And it’s not enough for them only to see your papers, but they want to humiliate you, to prove that you’ re nothing. Every time they’re asking you again and again your nationality and the reason why don’t you go back to your country and what are you doing here. Finally when they check your papers, they throw them down and they force you to pick them up. It’s all those things that lead you thinking: “why am I not coming back. Even I often wonder. Why do I stay in a country that I am seen as a stranger; as a threat; as someone who is responsible for everything bad that has happened to their lives. Because day after day you learn that you don’t belong here”.

Here however live also those who weren’t afraid. Those, who overcome together their fears by supporting each other. Those, who fought against the every day oppression. They are the immigrants, who revolted in the detention center of Amygdaleza at August of 2013. The immigrants, who revolted against the inhuman living conditions, against the complete lack of medical care, against the extension of their detention time. They are the same immigrants, who managed -with the support of the local solidarians- to let freeuncategorized in their trial, which took place one year after the rebellion at Amygdaleza. They are the same immigrants, who used to work in the fields of Skala Lakonias and Manolada; at the recycling factory at Aspropyrgos; at the fish shops at Nea Mixaniona and they united to strike against the misarable wages and the constant racist police attacks. They are the immigrants of Ermou and Asoee, who have resisted again and again -side by side with the local solidarians- to the police and the fascist attacks by defending their right to gain their lives by selling things on the street.

Those daily struggles and others less significant, who gives each one of us by her/himself, we are going to keep deep in our memory, because they give us strength for the future. The strength to face the moment, where we’ re looking beyond the fear and we’ re claiming a life with dignity. We want to raise our voices so everyone obtains papers from the very first moment without any conditions. We claim the closure even of the latter detention or hosting center of immigrants. We demand an everyday life  without racism and continuous humiliations by the police.





Assembly of immigrants and solidarians of asoee

التضامن مع المهاجرين المتهمين في ثورة أميجداليزا – تجمع يوم الاثنين 3نوفمبر بالمحكمة ديجليري (شارع ألكساندراس)

التضامن مع المهاجرين المتهمين في ثورة أميجداليزا –  تجمع يوم الاثنين 3نوفمبر بالمحكمة ديجليري (شارع ألكساندراس)                                                                           3نوفمبر، تبدأ محاكمة المهاجرين المتهمين بالتمرد في معسكر الاعتقال أميجداليزا والذي حدث في اغشت2013 ضد تمديد فترة الاحتجاز إلى أجل غير مسمى.    في البداية، خلال الأحداث تم اعتقال مايناهز 65 من المهاجرين حيث تم التلفيق لهم اتهامات جسيمة. بعد ذلك بعام، تم توزيع المعتقلين في مختلف السجون، بعضهم في معسكرات الاعتقال، أخرون تم ترحيلهم، والبعض تم الإفراج عنهم. وهرب خمسة منهم دون الإمساك بهم مراكز الإعتقال، تستخدمهم الدولة اليونانية والشرطة في التعذيب المهاجرين. هناك الكثير من المهاجرين ليس لهم أدنى فكرة عن موعد الإفراج عنهم، يصل بهم الحال إلى الجنون. هناك لايقدم لنا شيئ، الشيء الوحيد الذي يمكن أن نفعله في ذلك هو النوم طوال الوقت. حرارة الصيف لا تحتمل. الغذاء من نوعية رديئة وغير كافي. لايوجد ملابس ولا أدوية، وإذا مرض أي معتقل، المسؤول الوحيد بالاتصال بالطبيب هم الشرطة أنفسهم. وماذا يفعلون؟ في معظم الأحيان، يستدعون الطبيب بعد وقت متأخر أو يظلون غير مبالين تماماً. لا يمكننا الاتصال بأسرنا، لأنه يحظر استخدام الهواتف، وساعات الزيارة قليلة جداً ومدتها المحدودة زمنياً، متغيرة بتغير مزاج رجال الشرطة. يتم نقل السجناء إلى مخيمات أخرى شكلاً من أشكال العقوبة المعتادة مما يجعل من الصعب التواصل مع أصدقائنا. رجال الشرطة، يدخلون غرف المركز ويضربون المعتقلين بدون سبب.
يعاملوننا كجمادات و ليس كيشر، نطالب بالتغيير الفوري لهذه الحالة المزرية وخارج هذه المعتقلات، يواجه المهاجر نفس الحالة  في شكل سجن عير متناهي:
>> تركنا بلداننا وراءنا، نعتقد أننا ذاهبون للعيش في حرية مستمرة. غير أن هذه الحرية قد صودرت من لحظة دخولنا إلى اليونان، بعد المخاطرة بحياتنا في البحار والنجاة من الموت كما وقع في حالة فارماكونيسي وميتيليني. وبمجرد الدخول إلى اليونان، نجد أنفسنا في سجن في الهواء الطلق. بمنعنا من العمل من خلال قوانين عنصرية، مر عليها الزمن. رجال الشرطة، الفاشيين، والعنصريين يلاحقوننا في الشوارع وفي كل مكان. كل يوم نعيش تحت تهديد الوقوع في السجن أوفي مركز للشرطة، أو في معسكرات الاعتقال. يتم وصمنا و تشويه صورتنا للشعب اليوناني من خلال حملات التضليل العنصرية. وفقا لوسائل الإعلام، نحن اللصوص، القتلة، وناقلوا الأمراض.<<
ثورة أميجداليزا هو فعل استثنائي للمقاومة ضد الحرب التي تشنها الدولة اليونانية وجزء من المجتمع اليوناني العنصري ضد المهاجرين.حرب مع القتل على الحدود والترحيل، السجن في معسكرات الاعتقال أو مراكز الشرطة، حرب مع رفض طلبات اللجوء، حرب مع الاستغلال في العمل والقوانين العنصرية، حرب مستمرة تأخدك إلى حدود الكرب واليأس.     بالنسبة لنا، فإن الحل الوحيد هو إيجاد سبل للتعايش والعمل بشكل جماعي. مهاجرين و محليين، دون تمييز بسبب العرق أو الجنس أو اللون، متحدين ضد كل أشكال الهمجية
وفاشية الشرطة. نناضل من أجل خلق العالم الذي نصبو إليه. وأسلحتنا في هذا النضال، هي المساواة والتضامن.
 التضامن مع جميع المهاجرين المسجونين.
مراكز الاحتجاز؟ ابداً وفي أي مكان!
        مهاجرون asoee     تجمع يوم الاثنين 3نوفمبر بالمحكمة ديجليري (شارع ألكساندراس) 

Solidarity with the accused immigrants of Amygdaleza | Call for solidarity at the court Monday, 3rd of November, Degleri Court (Alexandras Ave.)

Monday the 3rd of November is the court date for the immigrants accused for the Amygdaleza uprising. In August of 2013, immigrants in Amygdaleza started a riot when they heard that they were going to be held there indefinitely longer. During and after the riot 65 immigrants were arrested and are now facing serious charges. A year after the incident, some of them are captives in various prisons across the country, some of them are still being kept in detention centers while others are free (5 of the escapees were never arrested) or have been deported.

Some words regarding being held in a detention centre:

“Detention centres are the way the greek state and police have come up with to torture migrants. Lots of them go crazy even by thinking that they are in there without knowing when their captivity will end. In there, nothing is provided, the only thing you can do is to sleep. The summer heat is unbearable. The food is bad and too little. They do not give us medicine, clothes and, even when someone is sick, the ones deciding whether they must see a doctor or not is are cops themselves, and they are always postponing it or do not care at all. The migrants cannot contact their families, since they do not have any phones, while visiting hours last only a little or are not being held at all, depending on the cops. Moving people around is a regular form of punishment, making it even harder for us to get in touch with our own people. They treat us like objects, like we are not humans. We demand the immediate change of such conditions.”

But even outside the walls, what migrants are facing seems like a giant prison:

“When we left our countries, we believed that we would at least continue to live freely. But we lost our freedom the moment we arrived in Greece, even though getting in meant that we risked losing our lives at the open sea, like those who were drown at Farmakonisi and more recently at Mitilini. So after managing to get in, we found ourselves in a kind of a prison, a prison without walls. They deny us the right to work by utilizing ancient and racist laws. Cops, fascists, racists hunt us in the streets. And they do not hunt only us working around ASOEE. This is happening also at Monastiraki, Thisio, Omonia, and the neighborhoods where we live in. We live every day under the threat of being imprisoned, or taken to a police station or to the detention centres. Cops often stop and search us as much as three times per day, and they harass us by taking us to the police station to eventually let us go. For the media we are thieves, murderers, disease bearers.”

The riot of Amigdaleza detention center is a bright act of resistance against the everyday war that the greek state is fighting against immigrants. A war that includes murders at the border, deportations, imprisonment in detention centers and in police stations, denial of asylum requests, racist laws, constant police controls, labor exploitation, pushing migrants to the limits of despair.

The only solution for us is to find ways to live together and act united against what is happening and what will come. Together immigrants and locals with no hierarchies, no discriminations due to race, sex or color stand, to fight against any kind fascist or police brutality for a better tomorrow. Our weapons are solidarity and equality.


Solidarity with the captive migrants and to everyone oppressed

No detention centres anywhere, ever.

Call for solidarity at the court
Monday, 3rd of November, Degleri Court (Alexandras Ave.)

Greece, a living hell

In the last two weeks the police have been showing off  their power in the University of  ASOEE. Everyday, all kinds of cops stand around the university in order to frighten us and to make us stop selling on the pavement in front of ASOEE. As the municipal elections are approaching, the candidates are trying to prove who will be the most effective in restoring the order in the centre of Athens, who will be stricter towards us, the immigrants, against the students who stand everyday next to us.

When we left our countries, we believed that we would at least continue to live free. But we lost our liberty, since we arrived in Greece, even if coming in Greece meant that we would risk losing our lives at sea, like those who were drown in Farmakonisi or, not long ago, in Mitilini. So when we arrived here, we found ourselves in a kind of prison, a prison without walls. By using racist and outdated laws they don’t let us work. The cops, the fascists and racists hunt us in the streets. And it’s not only around Asoee. It’s also Monastiraki, Thissio, Omonoia, in all our neighborhoods.  We live everyday under the threat of imprisonment either in a police station or in a detention centre. They say lies about us using racist campaigns of misinformation. According to the media, we are thieves, murderers, carriers of diseases.

And now, by using these constant police operations outside the university, they forbid us to sell on the street, which is the only way for us to survive. This is the only way to earn some money, to pay our rent, the bills for water and electricity and to pay our food. What we want is to be able to live with dignity by our own labour.

If without having official identities we can’t work, we can’t go outside our homes, we can’t be incorporated, we can’t have medical care, why don’t they just burn us alive?

We are not thieves, murderers, rapists. We hear everywhere that the “third world” countries are not civilized. However, in these countries, we don’t see this hatred against foreigners, not so many detention centers, not so many border fences, not so many drowned by naval police. Greece seems to be one of the last countries that doesn’t understand that we, the immigrants, are not a problem. We want a world without discrimination, injustice, racism, rich or poor. We, who live everyday by struggling against the police brutality, against the violence of our oppressors, who struggle to survive, are not the problem. But we can become their problem.

 Cops, stay away

Police everywhere – Justice nowhere

Communities of struggle of locals and immigrants in ASOEE and everywhere

Assembly of immigrants and solidarians of ASOEE

every Thursday at 20:00

The case of the 4 arrested during the police operation at ASOEE on 22/10 | Demonstration 21-12

If it wasn’t about the life and dignity of 3 people, we could talk about a sketchy/rough farce in 4 acts.

1st act
Tuesday 22/10. Another spectacular police operation on the occasion of “the fight against the commerce of street vendors” in Patission avenue, outside the ASOEE university. The cops -in the presence of the TV channels and the subminister Mitarakis- enter the university. Faced by hundreds of students, they are forced to leave. Despite no clashes taking place during the operation, anybody who appears to be an immigrant is arrested in the vicinity of ASOEE.

2nd act
Four of the arrested immigrants are accused with rigged indictment: resisting arrest and attempted bodily harm. They are taken to the court, but it is decided to set them free until the date of the trial, which is set for 10/12. However, the cops decide to keep them in jail, because they consider them as a danger to “public order and safety”. They base their decision on the rigged indictment that they themselves made up. The administrative court validates the cops’ decision.

3rd act
10/12. The trial lasts for many hours in front of tens of people who have come in solidarity. The verdict is that all four of them are to be acquitted. The silly and contradictory testimonies of the cops made certain of this positive outcome. All the people in solidarity who were in court begin to applaud. We have the impression that they will be soon free, together again with us.

4th act
11/12. The three immigrants are still imprisoned at the police department for seemingly administrative reasons. The police continues to keep them in jail despite the verdict of acquittal of the court, and it seems they are doing all they can in order to prolong the detention of the immigrants.

In other words, the life and freedom of the immigrants lie in the absolute power of the police and at the mercy of every racist cop. Through a network of racist administrative laws, the state has enabled the cops to control immigrants, to arrest them, to take them to court and to imprison them summarily and without regulation. That is exactly what is happening in the case of the arrested of 22/10 at ASOEE. The cops arrest many immigrants and later hold them in prison, in order to justify the unjustifiable. They accused four of them with rigged indictment and then they decided that their arrest makes them “a danger to public order and the security of the country”. Moreover, despite the fact that they were acquitted by the court, the cops insist arbitrarily and vindictively to prolong their imprisonment. They express their racist fury against those who struggle to live with dignity and are opposed to discrimination and state terrorism.

The rigged indictments and the state machinations do not frighten us, but they fill us with rage.

When the struggle to survive  lies at the mercy of the police and their obscure administrative procedures, is given the name
 “danger to public order and security”

Our answer is:
Solidarity and common struggles of locals and immigrants

DEMONSTRATION 21-12 | 13.00

Charilaou Trikoupi & Kallidromiu Str., Exarcheia

Microfoniki on October 15th at Victoria square and police repression

On Tuesday October 15th at 5pm we organized a manifestation with microfoniki and distribution of brochures in Victoria square on the occasion of Paulos Fyssas’ murder. The intervention was organized by the assembly of immigants and solidarians, the auto-administered squat of ASOEE university and the assembly of Victoria square. Victoria square was filled with music and brochures were distributed to locals and immigrants. Two hours later, and while the manifestation reached to its end, two trucks with cops “MΑΤ” appeared at the top of the square. Shortly after their disembarkation, the cops made their moods clear and lined up opposite the protesters. Two cops in shirts approached us in order to let us know about their demands. We immediately surrounded the cops in charge of social relations and we demanded to know why they prohibited the manifestation. Despite the pressure, the cops persisted in the order from on high, “to evacuate the square” (pogrom?) without ever explaining to us the reason. Eventually, despite the fact that the cops threatened us with arrests, we decided to leave under no escort. We have to mention that a few hours earlier the arrest of 15 members of the “Antifascist Front” had taken place, while they were placarding posters in Patission avenue in order to propagandize the anti-fascist moto protest carried out on Wednesday 23/10 in Keratsini. The strong police presence in the area is a very old story, but until now we were not accustomed to the ban of demonstrations, distribution of brochures etc.

The cops’ provocations were repeated on October 19th when a group of “DIAS” arrested 6 members of the Antifascist Coordination of Athens and Piraeus outside the Attiki train station, while they were going to an action of contra info at the open-air market in Michail Voda street (they carried brochures and a bucket in order to placard posters), on the occasion of the antifascist demonstration at Agios Panteleimonas on October 26th. The cops claimed that they had orders from on high to arrest whoever distributes leaflets, and so they checked if the brochures provoked violent actions, for instance because of their slogan or photos. We must note that fascists of the Golden Dawn had thrown too many flyers on Liosia avenue that day, but the police didn’t arrest them…The cops led the antifascists in a police van in Omonia and they checked their identities without taking them to the police station. Later, they released them. Finally, the antifascist coordination made the intervention in Michail Voda street, with the participation of 50 people, along with those who had been arrested earlier in Attiki. The distribution of the brochures was successful, because they distributed lots of them to natives and immigrants, but on the corner of Michail Voda and Pipinou, Giannatos, the known fascist of the Golden Dawn and also the chairman of the “committee of residents of Agios Panteleimonas”, together with 2-3 people they started to insult and provoke the antifascists, who responded. Therefore, the situation reached a point of high tension. The fascists’ hysteria was so big, that the cops arrested Giannatos outside the local police station. The antifascist action continued with slogans, distribution of brochures and placarding of posters for some time after the above episode and ended at 15:00 pm.


We are not terrified and we will be in the streets for as long as necessary.


Cops and fascists, listen well:


A common story that was repeated (not accidentally) once again

text of the assembly about the police invasion of 22-10 in ASOEE university and the arrests:

On Tuesday 22/10 the cops attacked once again the ASOEE university because they wanted to damage the trade that we do outside of the school. The minister of development Notis Mitarakis and TV channels were outside the university together with the cops. Journalists from the TV channel ALPHA were  near  ASOEE from 9am and we suppose that they were informed of the operation of the police, because it took place at 11am. Finally, they didn’t seem to be pleased by how things happened and TV channels didn’t show anything that day. The cops entered the school yard and surrounded it and they allowed only students to enter. They wanted to go inside the buildings and they arrested everyone who seemed to be foreign. On 9/5/2012,when the cops had made a similar operation at ASOEE, they arrested a world know Indian professor, who was invited by the university!

Hundreds of students were gathered at the school yard, they sang slogans and they demanded the police to leave. The cops remained about an hour at the yard and eventually not only failed to invade the buildings but they were driven out of the school by the students. However, they arrested 4 immigrants in totally different places around the school and while no clash had taken place, they accused them (as usual) for resistance against the authorities and attempting to cause serious bodily harm.

At noon of the same day, a general assembly of students decided to occupy the school until Thursday 24/10 and to make a protest march against the invasion of cops and for solidarity to the 4 arrested immigrants. The protest march took place in the afternoon near the neighbourhood.  On 24/10 the four detainees were led to court, where regular day of trial was set for 31/10. On 30/10 the cops tried again to create an aura of terror by surrounding ASOEE and they remained in the wider area for about three hours, while they threw a few tear gases. The next day in court the case of  four immigrants was not heard and the trial was suspended for 10/12. The thing that is the most frustrating of all is that while from the first time on 24/10, the court had decided that the 4 immigrants will be released until the trial, on the contrary they remain detained until today.

This situation makes us feel angry but it doesn’t surprise us, because we know that many inhabitants of this country, the immigrants, are estimated from the state as second-class people. Too many racist administration laws define their lives to such an extent that there is a serious chance for them to be transported to the other side of the world, or to the detention centres all over Greece. On every occasion the cops and their political superiors advertise this policy, so as we get used to the submission and degradation of our lives. The detention of immigrants without official identities for 12 to 18 months is supposed to be a special case of the law, but however it is the rule since the decision is made by the police.  Apart from the special administrative measures which impose the deprivation of liberty only for immigrants, there are also special provisions that give the additional capability to the cops to exclude any immigrant (with or without official identity) even from these administrative laws, and to consider him as a “danger to public safety or public health”. They can even decide to remove his identity, confine him for eighteen months in a concentration camp and deport him. In other words, the police can arrest an immigrant, accuse him for whatever they want (as they very well know how to do) and then decide that this arrest makes him “a danger to public order or security of the country” and therefore lead him to detention and deportation. And in case of appeal against this decision, responsible to judge is again the police…Even if these measures are not enough, the police have the political support and cover to continue an illegal, unjustified and vindictive detention, without any written decision, as it is the case of the detainees of 22/10.

The attack that the cops made at ASOEE is not irrelevant to our everyday life. The state and the cops run after us everyday. The fascists with their cover move freely and attack in our neighbourhoods. The bosses do whatever they want with us, because for them it is like we are inferior people. We all remember the shots against immigrants labourers in Manolada. They want us to be afraid in order to remain harmless and quiet in our homes. Otherwise we expect operations of massive round-ups know as “Xenios Dias”, detention centres and expulsions. In the neighbourhoods where we live the police patrols are very often, the TV channels talk about us and the government implements new laws, while it makes new detention centres. They say all the time that we “take their jobs” but it is the state that reduces the salaries, it eliminates pensions and destroys public health and education. The state knows that its policy is too extreme and chooses to terrorize the people and create an aura of fear for immigrants and all those who struggle.

The aim of the attack at ASOEE was not only to frighten us, but also to make us stop what we are doing here. For us the trade outside the university is the only way in order to earn the money that we need to live, to pay the rent, the food and our bills. We want to work so as to be able to live with dignity. The state does not care about the trade that we are doing, but it attacks us because we have chosen to stand all together and feel equal.

The only solution for us is to find ways to live and act together against the difficulties we face and all those that will come. We fight against any discrimination of race, sex, color, we stand together and united against any kind of brutality and we are making the foundations for the world we want to live in. All together immigrants and natives, we fight against racism and poverty they are trying to impose.




Assembly of immigrants and solidarians at ASOEE

on Thursdays at 19:00, ASOEE (76 Patission Av.)


On  September 17th,  the antifascist rapper, Pavlos Fyssas was murdered by fascists of the Golden Dawn and paid with his life his political views . Earlier this year, on January 17th Shehzad  Luqman was stabbed by members of the Golden Dawn in Petralona,while he was going to work, just because he was an immigrant.

Thousands of people participated in protest marches that immediately took place in Keratsini,the site of the murder, and all over Greece as well: in Chania,Thessaloniki, Patras etc. Meanwhile, journalists and politicians pretend to have been shocked by the incident and they are proceeding to revelations about the crimes of the Golden Dawn, which they had hidden so far, while they are now pleased by the prosecution of its members and even its abolition. But what they – deliberately- forget to clarify is that the fascists collaborate with the government.
Their speech and acts have many profound similarities : On February 1st Babacar Ndiaye was pursued and murdered by the municipal police in Thissio. No justice has been done  until today. For many years,  the fascists are protected by the police, as it was demonstrated once again on Wednesday 18th September, when they were standing behind the policemen, they were throwing stones against the protesters and taking  part in beatings. In September 2012 fascists attacked immigrants many times in the area of America square. The police were just watching and did nothing.  On September 30th  2012, when antifascists made a moto protest  against these fascist attacks, in the centre of Athens, they were attacked by the police and 15 of them were arrested, beaten and tortured in the GADA police station. They were also charged with severe crimes. Τhe greek government keeps on building detention centres for the immigrants, it is organizing the operation of massive round-ups known as “Xenios Dias”, it  is building a wall and putting mines on the border with Turkey and talks about immigrants as “public health time bomb”. The cops arrest, beat, torture and kill people at the police stations. Bosses exploit immigrant workers, they have them work and live in very bad conditions and the authorities don’t  do anything about it. In some cases bosses even opened fire on the workers. This is what happened last April when immigrants farm workers received the bullets of landowner’s Vaggelatos minions’ guns in Manolada, just because they demanded their money that the landowner owed them for 6 months. Greek justice, that allows all the above to happen, prosecutes the immigrants who dared to revolt at the detention centre of Amygdaleza, on August 10th. When the fascists organize to do their dirty racist task, government, justice and cops  turn their back and look elsewhere.

How could it be possible to believe that banning the neo-nazi party Golden Dawn, as many politicians say, will change the current situation, while its members will always be there to spread their racist ideology and attack those who resist them and will always want to take power? Will the issue of fascism be solved by laws? Can we ask the government that oppresses us every day to do justice in our place? Can the solution be calling for institutional help, expecting others to act in our place and staying in our homes without doing anything for ourselves?

Today, as always, the attacks against immigrants continue, with arrests in the squares and our neighborhoods, in the modern slavery of concentration camps, here in ASOEE with the continuous police operations, where the anti-riot forces and undercover cops persecute the pedlars. The repression continues with beating and tear gas against protesters, with imprisonment for those who are arrested at demonstrations, with massive dismissals, with evacuations of squats and with cops all over the town. The government forces with the help of the fascists, who are the long arm of the state, attack those who refuse to bow their head and obey them.

Today, the slogan “common struggles of immigrants and natives”, is more than ever well-timed,  because it is all of us, immigrants with or without papers, natives, who become the target of the state and the parastate and every fascist. It is us who have all together to rise up, as it is our will and courage to fight that unite us. After all, the continuous struggle for a new world is the best way to remember all those who died while fighting for life.

We think that the only solution is to find ways to live and act together to make things better. All together, immigrants and natives, without hierarchy and discrimination because of the race, sex or colour, we stay united against fascist and police brutality, for the new world that we want to make. These are only some of the reasons why we participate in the Assembly of Immigrants and Solidarians of ASOEE, and we try to face the attacks in the present and in the future by the common struggles of immigrants and natives. Our arms in this fight will be solidarity and equality.

We are not only fighting our mortal enemies, the fascists. They are forced to contend with threat within the government that jeopardise our very existence. All we fight for us, one love, equal rights, peace and justice, for a better tomorrow.




Strawberries and human exploitation

Strawberries and human exploitation
Manolada5These are the two basic export products, both in big amounts, of Nea Manolada, a region in Ilia, 260km west of Athens. On one hand, we can see the strawberries every spring, red and fresh, in the supermarkets and the street markets. On the other hand, the exploitation of the immigrant workers, during the whole year, a well hidden secret in the racist and xenophobic local society, being published in local and international Medias only when some landowners’ minions do something very extreme to the workers.
A few words about the medieval fields of Manolada
In the fields of Manolada the recent years’ work around 4000-5000 land workers. All of them immigrants, mostly from Bangladesh and from Pakistan, with many of them having no papers. Their basic job is farming, harvesting and packing the strawberries but depending on the period of the year they work also in other farming operations like harvesting potatoes, oranges etc. Their work starts at 6 o’clock in the morning and ends at 9-10 o’clock at night with a day work of 25 euro and off course without insurance and any medical help in case of a work accident. They live, winter and summer, in tents or inside the greenhouses without water, electricity, toilet and other basic necessities. The working conditions are totally inhuman, as apart from the grueling working time they have to work under the constant surveillance and blackmails of the big landowners’ minions who treat them as slaves. Beatings and derogatory behaviors on a daily basis, threats of their life, blackmails to those who don’t have papers that the police will arrest them, deny of paying them and even shooting them, when the workers dare to speak for their rights.
The incident
200 immigrants from Bangladesh working at one of the many fields of the area, that of the big landowner Baggelatos, started to demand their money that the landowner owed them since 6 months. They were asking constantly for their money but the big landowner and his guards were always answering with insults and threats. They even wrote a letter of complaints trying to give it to the police and the local authorities but without any success. A few days before the murderous attack against them they had a one day strike but the big landowner threatened them by bringing other workers to take their place, Albanians, Rumanians, Bulgarians and that he won’t pay them. The workers’ answer was : “give us the money that you owe us and we will leave”. Obviously the landowner didn’t bring new workers because the Balkan workers demand 40 euro per day. So at 17/4 the same Bangladesh workers decided to go at his house and protest. What they receive as an answer was the bullets of landowner’s minions guns, injuring 30 workers, 7 of them severe. Except that it took 2 hours for the ambulance to arrive, the first thing that the police did was to try to arrest the immigrants not having papers without caring about the murderous gunmen.
It was the local and mainly the foreign medias reports and the damage to the country’s fame[1], the incapability of hiding the incident and the fear of the immigrants’ workers reaction that forced the authorities to deal with the matter and prosecute the perpetrators.
The following 2 days, 18 and 19 of April, none of the immigrant workers, in the whole area, went to the fields and there was even a protest with the participation of more than 10.000 immigrant farm workers. The media didn’t report anything about the protest but it was the main reason that made the minister of public order, N. Dendias to promise the immigrants the obvious, that they would be paid and that the police would arrest the killers and their boss.

It was not an isolated incident; it is the future they try to impose
At 2008 some photos of the same area that of Manolada, were showing the inhuman living and working conditions of the immigrant land workers. Then most of the immigrants were from Pakistan. As now all of us were “shocked” from the incident, the media had put for a while their charity mask and the state declared the solution of the problem, saying it was just an isolated incident. But also the years before 2008 the agriculture production model was the same. The only difference was that instead of Pakistani and Bangladesh workers, the workers were from Albania.
After all this year’s nothing has changed. The working conditions are even harder and the exploitation of immigrants is a plan of the state and the bosses for economic growth and overcoming the crisis.
It’s the state itself that directly or indirectly pushes the immigrants to work at the fields of these local big landowners. Those immigrants in fact who manage to pass alive from the minefields of Evros or the depths of the sea. Those for whom there is not enough space in the hellholes of the police stations and the detention centers. All those who have to answer in the question of staying alone and frightened enclosed and starving in their homes, as in every corner there are police and fascists, or working like a slave avoiding in this way the deportation or the enclosure in a detention center. And this, because there is an agreement among the state, the local authorities and the big landowners not allowing the police to arrest all these immigrants working in Manolada’s fields[2].
In this way the labor under these terms seems to the immigrants as the only way out and lifeline and for the bosses a great tool for exploiting more and more the workers. Icing on the cake of exploitation, as for the bosses’ minions not having any complaints, the money withholding from immigrants land workers’ day work for giving them just a piece bread[3].
What happened at 17th of April at Manolada it is not just another isolated incident. It’s a violent and inhuman working status that is firstly imposed to the outcasts and those being in the bottom of the barrel. And as the crisis becomes deeper this barrel’s bottom fits more and more of us. As long as we fight each other and put the blame on the immigrants and the “others” for what we suffer, we make it easier for the exploitation and oppression to spread out. As long as we do not fight the real enemy, those who are getting richer to our detriment, we doff our eyes with our own hands.



Assembly of immigrants and solidarians of ASOEE


1 The image of the injured immigrants land workers traveled around the world. For one more time different international organizations redacted convictions against Greece for her immigrants’ handling policy considering that 5 signatures are enough to give a solution to this problem. Furthermore, various entities and organizations have started, mainly through social medias (facebook, tweeter, etc) a campaign named “Blood and Strawberries” for boycotting the strawberries of Manolada.
2 The plan is :The local big landowners, in awareness of the local authorities and the government, are asking every time a specific number of workers. They communicate with an immigrant considered “their cooperator” known as ‘the craftsman”, usually having the same citizenship as the workers, who finds the workers living in Athens. There is no need for the immigrants future workers to have papers, all they need is good acquaintances and a bit of luck. Their transportation to the fields is done by cars that arrive and collect them to Athens. The only guarantee of the deal is that for as long as they work without creating any troubles, they will not have problem with the police.
3 The day works are between 17 and 25 euro but are paid every 2 to 3 months. The food expenses and any other subsistence costs of the immigrants are withhold from their total salary. Even at this case, the exploitation has no end. The shopping is not done by the immigrants themselves but by the supervisors or by the “craftsman”. Even though every immigrant needs 70-80 euro to meet these needs, they have a withholding that sometimes reaches the amount of 400 euro per month, getting paid finally with 150 euro per month. It’s obvious that this withholding money end to the big land owners’ and their guards pockets.

About the recent events

In 28 of December the police attacked ASOEE for one more time. This time the excuse was the petty trade taking place outside of the university, so the state chose to get in the school, to search it, confiscate different things as well as 98 fm radio station. During the operation 16 people, mostly of us, and some pedestrians, were arrested just because of their color. During the transportation at the police station of Kypseli, we were hit by the policemen and on two of us you can see the bruises. It is not the first time that there are police outside the university or that they attack asoee, there are many incidents. At constant dues, policemen with civil clothes come and take the stuff that we sell. Also very often there are two units of riot police in the two corners of the school. They throw teargas and stangranates many times, also arrest us and take our stuff.

For us selling stuff in the streets is the only decent way to make a living, its the way for us to have some money to eat and pay our bills. Its our choice to work that makes us to come everyday outside of the university.

By this text we want to speak to the people, to thank those that support us and to inform more people about our everyday problems. We came to Europe from countries that are in a war or an economical destruction . We try to get papers, and for that we wait even for days outside of Petrou Rally (station alodapon) and it is almost impossible to get the papers we need to move free.

We live under a constrant state of hostage. But even in cases we manage to have some temporary papers there is always the danger that in some police control, they will be taken away or be destroyed. That can happen from policemen or people that pretend being policemen, mostly fascists. When they arrest us without papers we stay in prison from 3 months to a year.

We personally recognize our position. We know who wants us to be illegal, to be poor, and give the police orders to attack us, or allow the police brutality.

We also know that it is not a coincidence that they let the fascists hit us, bully us and murder people. We also know that the state takes money from the EU for our benefit and instead of helping us, it constructs walls in the greek borders (Evros) and prisons.

Some people see as a proper solution putting us in a bottle, with no oxygen and throw us away. But we make it clear that we are here, we exist.

At this point, we find it important to say that we are not the only ones who are being attacked in the area. During the last month the state attacked ASOEE, Villa Amalias squat, Patission 61 & Skaramaga squat and Lelas Karagianni squat (it was resquatted the same day), all of them places of resistance and solidarity to us immigrants. At the same time we continuously face the police operation known as Xenios Dias, and the racist attacks by fascists.( the last attack cost a 26 years old immigrant’s life at Petralona area). All these make it obvious that the government wants to “clear” the center of Athens.

At this time we are in the last wagon of the train, those who resist are next and then who follows?

The only solution is to find ways to live together and act united against what is happening and what will come. This is why we choose to participate in the immigrants and solidarians assembly of ASOEE. We try through common struggles of natives and immigrants with solidarity and equality to try to face the attacks we are facing and those about to come.

Natives and immigrants united, with no hierarchies, no discriminations due to race, sex or color make common efforts for a better world where we are all equal.

We oppose to every kind of fascist racism and police brutality.


Immigrants and Solidarians Assembly of ASOEE

Every Thursday at 17.00 at ASOEE